Monday, September 21, 2009

Haircut & Color Pix, By Semi-Popular Demand :-)

Hi everyone, and a shout-out from still-raining-cats-and-dogs Atlanta.  I'm gonna start telling people I'm from Atlantis, for heaven's sake.  Speaking of dogs, Eddie (see pic at bottom of my blog page) hates the rain and for the past four days has not peed or schmooed (my kids' word) anywhere except immediately outside the back door (nice, huh?) under the portico roof.  We have this ritual now:  he pees, he schmooes, we rinse & scrub & disinfect.  Fun stuff.

But I digress from today's important topic, don't I?  I told y'all last week about my new haircut and radical new hair color, and I've had some public and private requests for pix.  Fair enough, since I piqued your curiosity.

My hair color previously was a dark, kind of neutral brown with a LOT of fairly chunky blonde highlights that were getting almost straw-colored.  I'm Irish and my natural hair color (last time I saw it -- who can remember anymore?) is dark brown, but more of a chestnut brown and with some auburn in it.

My previous haircut, as I've told y'all, can best be described as Shaggy Sheepdog Needs a Clip.

Hair Hero (if you don't know who this is, read my post here) diagnosed my color as too flat, too ashy-brown, too light-blonde -- generally just all wrong. :-)  He thought the cut had too many layers, all the wrong layers, wrong pattern for my bangs (you see a wrongness theme going on here??) and he declared that I'd have to lose some length in order for him to start repairing my cut.

So here's what he recommended and I said "WTH, why not" to doing:

(Sorry about the overexposure.  It's so dark in my office because of the gloom outside and the flash on my computer's camera is so bright -- I can't seem to get the lighting right.)

(And y'all, also sorry about breaking the blogger's rule re: showing your face, but otherwise I couldn't have really shown you the cut, ya know?  Forget you ever saw me.  This conversation never happened.)

And from the side, back and top (so that you can see the lowlights):


The red glaze, I have decided, may be a bit much for me.  But it'll shampoo out slowly but surely, and the lowlights underneath it are quite caramel.  So we'll see how that comes along.

All in all, I am very pleased.  Despite the fact that, in order to become very pleased, I think I single-handedly paid half of Hair Hero's daughter's fall private school tuition. ;-)


  1. Great cut and color!! Whatever you paid, it was worth it. My hairdresser keeps my hair looking good, and I help maintain her beach house. It works for both of us :)

  2. Fabulous! Hair hero is definitely worth it.

  3. Your hair is beautiful and so are you, you look so young and vibrant with your shiny, bouncy hair! It is worth every penny that you paid!

  4. By the way, what is your hair texture, curly, wavy, straight? Do you blow it out every day? Thanks!

  5. Umm, you look great and now I suspect that the title of your blog is way should be "crewsing through my 30s." ;)

    Love everything about your hair, cut, color, style...your stylist's work is worth every penny you paid!

  6. WOW! you are gorgeous! Dina's hardly look 40, let alone 50! What's your secret? :)

    Your haircut looks amazing. Isn't it crazy how something as simple as a new hairdo can do so much for our self-confidence?

    It's been raining nonstop here too. I'm so tired of it, although it's forcing me to relax a bit. I stayed in my sweats all day yesterday and it was lovely :)

  7. No way do you have two college age/graduate boys! I love your haircut. Maybe I'll get inspired to do something different with mine when I go next week .

  8. Hello! It's great to 'see' you, and I am in love with your haircut. I have been growing out zillions of layers for a few months now, and I have an appt. for Wednesday! I am striving for a length similar to yours now. It seems like it is taking FOREVER as everytime I go, we keep trimming the back too, to let the other layers catch up. It has been looking "fuller" and I really love it - but DANG, I want to come to your salon for some color advise!!!!!!! You are gorgeous, and your hair is too!!!

  9. You are absolutely GORGEOUS and I LOVE your hair!!! Thank you so much for sharing RL pics with us!


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